Summoned and Stolen (Summoned Series Romances) Read online

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  From the moment the loathsome duke had clapped eyes on her she had known nothing but fear. First, he had tried to gain her master’s permission to bed her for a single night, but by the end of his visit he was offering staggering sums to buy her outright. Lily had not slept a wink until he was gone. Every time she closed her eyes she could see his vile face, and she lived in fear that her master would relent and sell her. In the end, he had refused Camford’s offers and Lily thought that was the end of it.

  She had been wrong.

  Even after he had departed, Camford continued his attempts to acquire Lily by letter. Each missive more threatening than the ones before it, each one making it clear the man would not stop until he possessed Lily. Still, Rockland had not understood the danger he was in. It was only when Camford’s army was spotted marching toward his lands that her master truly grasped the full extent of the Duke’s determination, and by then it had been far too late.

  Now her master was dead and she was Camford’s newest acquisition, trapped in this terrible cage of iron with painful welts on her skin. The mere touch of iron brought pain and torment to one of her kind, and she had no doubt Camford knew that. It was more proof of his dark soul that he had imprisoned her in a cage of iron, when he knew full well the collar around her neck controlled her completely. She was his, and there was nothing she could do to resist any order he deigned to give her.

  When the servant had tripped, the cage had been sent tumbling and Lily had been hurled against the bars. Bruised, shaken and hurting, even if Camford had allowed it, she would not be able to summon enough magic to heal herself, not surrounded by so much of the magic-blocking ore. She had been in Camford’s power for a few short hours, and her suffering had already begun.

  When the door of Lily’s cage was opened she hurled herself through the opening in a panic, the need to get away from the burning bars overwhelming ever other thought. Once Lily was free of the cage, she tried to stabilize her flight, but her head was still ringing from being flung about the inside her prison. Off-balance and out of control, she began to fall, spiraling out of control as she plummeted.

  A man’s large hand appeared just below her and she landed on his outstretched hand in an awkward tangle. “Easy now, I’ve got you,” someone rumbled and then she was being lifted slowly upward until she was face to face with the man who had caught her mid-tumble.

  He’s handsome.

  Of all the things Lily needed to be worried about on this, the worst day of her life, she couldn’t begin to understand why it mattered that the stranger holding her had a handsome face. Or that there were laugh lines etched around his eyes, despite the hardness she could see in their blue depths. Several days grown of beard shadowed his cheeks and a line of white showed where a scar ran the length of his jaw on one side. He was looking at her with wonder tempered by concern, and part of her wished that this man was her master and not the cruel, florid cheeked creature she knew wore the ring that forced her complete obedience.

  Kel couldn’t stop staring at the tiny, luminescent creature he held in the palm of his hand. The dazzling light that cloaked her had dimmed after she had tumbled, but it was still strong enough he could only make the most general of details. Standing just a few inches high, her naked form was most certainly that of a female. Her diminutive size, the fact she glowed and had what looked to be a pair of delicate, butterfly-like wings growing out of her back made it clear she wasn’t human.

  Camford leaned forward, his eyes on his tiny prize of war. “She is lovely, isn’t she? Lily, cease that irritating glow and let Kel get a good look at you. He is the one responsible for defeating your former master after all. It seems only fair he should see what his skill with a blade has brought me.”

  Lily dismissed the cloak of light with a thought as she got to her feet and stared back at the blue-eyed warrior. So this was the mercenary leader, Kel. She had heard Rockland speak of him, first with grudging respect and more recently with fear coloring his words. Lily had heard so much about the warrior’s ferocity, courage and battle tactics, she had imagined him to be a cold blooded killer with empty eyes and a cruel face. Instead, he was nothing at all like she had expected.

  “She’s appears to be slightly injured,” Kel said, his brows knitting together with concern as he spotted the welts that covered her tiny form.

  “I’m not surprised. The cage is made of iron. Any contact would leave her with burns. Lily, you have my permission to heal yourself, so long as you do not leave Kel’s hand.” Camford waved a ring encrusted hand in her direction and she tried to spot her ring among the many others he had crammed on his fat fingers, but the light was too dim to pick it out. She was certain he wore it though, because the compulsion to obey every word he uttered was impossible to ignore.

  Lily accepted her master’s orders, closing her eyes and summoning her magic. Weak as she was, she had strength enough to heal her assorted bruises and burns, but little more. Her tiny wings fluttered, showering glittering crystals over her body. The pain faded away almost instantly, and when she opened her eyes again she felt better, if a little drained.

  The moment he saw what Lily could do, Kel understood that Camford wanted her for more than her exquisite beauty. She was a magically gifted healer, and that alone made her a her treasure without equal in this world.

  The shimmering powder had fallen from her wings to drift over her injuries, and everywhere the powder touched, the wounds simply disappeared. Traces of the dust fell onto his hand, and he knew without looking that his torn and bruised knuckles were now completely healed.

  “Do you understand her value now, mercenary?” the Duke asked with smug satisfaction.

  “Aye, I do.” Kel raised his eyes to meet Camford’s gaze. “She is both lovely and extraordinarily gifted, a tiny but immeasurably valuable prize.”

  “Aye, she is tiny, isn’t she?” Camford chortled softly. “I had almost forgotten. Lily, change to your other form. Now.”

  Kel heard a faint noise, like the chiming of a thousand tiny silver bells. The next moment he was holding an armful of naked fae female only a little smaller than an average human woman. Even as surprised as he was, he couldn’t help but notice the softness of her skin or the way her curves fit against his body.

  He glanced down at her face and found himself staring into a pair of almond-shaped eyes the same color as the amethysts that decorated the golden collar she wore around her throat. Her hair fell to her mid back, and it was as strange and lovely as everything else about her. It was a deep purple at the roots that faded gradually to become a dazzling shade of white-blonde at the tips. Her wings were furled tight to her back, and Kel’s fingers itched to touch their delicate shape.

  Fire surged through Kel’s blood, his cock hardening as his body responded to the nearly forgotten feeling of having a beautiful woman in his arms. He took a deep breath to clear his lust-fogged mind only to have the scent of summer meadows fill his nose, calling to mind peaceful days and better times. Fighting the urge to brush a kiss to her berry-tinted lips, Kel finally dragged his focus off of Lily and back to the Duke.

  Camford was watching him with malicious amusement, and seemed not at all concerned that Kel was currently holding the man’s precious battle prize in his lap. “And what do you think of her value now? Priceless, aye?”

  “Aye,” Kel answered, barely aware of what the Duke had said.

  “I’m glad you agree with me, mercenary. For tonight, she is yours. You have agreed that she is priceless, and so I have decided that one night’s pleasure with her is your payment for this victory,” Camford declared, his tone openly smug.

  Kel opened his mouth to protest, but Camford cut him off with a negligent wave of his hand. “You have never once partaken of my generous offers to share my slaves with you. I am starting to feel insulted.”

  Adrenaline coursed through Kel’s veins as he spotted, too late, the trap he’d stepped into. If he refused the Duke’s offer now, the Duke would take it as an
insult and demand his honor be redeemed. This was how the Duke intended to avoid paying the full amount of gold Kel was owed for his services and that of the War Dogs.

  Kel channeled his anger and kept his word’s civil, though no one would be able to mistake the displeasure he allowed to show on his face. “You are too generous, Your Grace. I had not expected such a bonus.” Camford was even more arrogant than Kel had feared. It was the only explanation for why the Duke was trying to alter their contract just as it was about to end. It had been years since anyone had been this foolhardy. If Camford thought his rank would protect him from Kel’s anger, then the man was an idiot as well as an ass. Even now Kel’s mind raced as he considered how best to extract himself, and possibly take the Duke’s precious fae prize with him. The poor creature didn’t deserve the fate he knew awaited her at Camford’s hands.

  Camford frowned at him. “Her worth is more than that of gold, mercenary.”

  “Then perhaps you should have told me that before my warriors won this war for you, Your Grace.” Kel’s voice was soft and deadly even as he purred the other man’s title. “We have an agreement, and I must insist you abide by it.”

  The first sign of unease flickered over the fat man’s face. “You shall be paid as agreed upon…we shall consider this night a bonus as you said.”

  “You are too kind to offer such a gift,” Kel said, even as he saw the lie for what it was. Camford had no intention of paying any gold now that the battle had been won.

  “I am, aren’t I?” Camford agreed and clapped his pudgy hands together like a child who has gotten his fondest wish. “Not to worry, my fine fellow. And what a gift she is! Rockland was a fool who didn’t know what he had. He thought her beauty was her greatest gift. I knew better! She is the key to my immortality, and you have won her for me.”

  Lily sat as still as she could and listened, trying to make sense of what was being said. The gold torc around her neck was enchanted to allow her to speak and understand the languages spoken around her, but right now she doubted the spell’s abilities. Surely she hadn’t heard her master correctly. She could heal, aye, but to make someone immortal was far beyond her abilities. And why would he give her to the handsome mercenary when it was obvious Camford lusted after her himself? What was going on?

  She bit her lip in an effort to stave off her tears of fear and frustration. Lily was a creature of magic and healing, not war. She didn’t know the first thing about fighting, but right now she wished she could fly across the room and claw out her master’s mocking eyes. That thought triggered a burst of fiery agony inside her skull and she barely muffled a soft cry of pain.

  At least, she thought she’d muffled it, but Kel’s gaze dropped to her face and he leaned in close to nuzzle her cheek. “I shall enjoy her greatly, Your Grace,” he said aloud and then whispered so softly she could barely make out his words. “I’ll not let you be harmed. Trust me.”

  A tiny ember of hope flared to life in her heart and Lily nodded, just a slight dip of her head to tell him she had heard. His lips grazed her cheek and she felt the heat of his breath on her skin. For the first time since she’d been taken from her homeworld, Lily felt the heated flush of desire.

  There was no denying that being given to Kel as a pleasure slave would not be a hardship. He was handsome, and despite his reputation he had been nothing but gentle with her. She had seen the bruises and scars on the other slaves. Their master was a vicious beast, and Lily could only heal herself or anyone else if he granted her permission. Somehow, she doubted the Duke would allow her to ease her suffering often, if at all. It looked likely that Kel would be the last man to touch her with any kindness, for she knew she would get no such treatment from Camford.

  It was almost a comfort her to know that despite his beliefs, there was no way that Lily could make the vile Duke immortal. She could heal, certainly. That was the greatest of her gifts, the ability to heal and make whole any living thing. But healing could only do so much, and she could no more defy the laws of nature than she could command the sun to rise. All life came to an end eventually.

  A chill washed over her, filling her soul with ice. When Camford learned that Lily’s magic could not make him immortal, his rage would be terrible. There was little chance she would survive once he knew the truth. He’d kill her, just as he’d killed her former master.

  Lily moved deeper into Kel’s arms, clinging to him despite the discomfort of the chainmail that pressed against her bare skin. Her choice already made. Once they were alone, she’d plead her case and pray he was as honorable as her dead master had believed. Otherwise, she was doomed to a short life full of suffering at the hands of a cruel and twisted man.

  If she had to barter her body for a chance at freedom then Kel was her best chance.



  Kel was not fond of magic in general, but was not above using it when the situation required it. Now, was going to be one of those times. He reached up as if to loosen the laces of his shirt, his hands brushing against the simple, silver medallion that hung around his neck. With the ease of long practice his thumbnail caught on a slightly raised portion of the metal and he pressed it. There was a brief flare of heat, telling him that the spell had been activated, and Kel finished loosening his laces with a sense of relief. His second in command was now aware that there was trouble. He’d see to it that every member of their band was safely out of camp within the hour.

  Now, Kel just had to buy them that time.

  “If she is mine for just one night, Your Grace, then I hope you will grant me leave to take to and enjoy your generosity to the fullest.” Kel had little hope that Camford would be that gracious, but he had to try. Beautiful as Lily was, he had no interest in taking her. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She had his cock hard and his blood boiling just sitting there in his lap, but he had no interest in taking her in front of a half-dozen drunken witnesses when she had no choice in the matter. If he could just get her alone, he was tempted to take her with him. She did not deserve the fate that had been handed to her, and he could claim she was a fair trade for the gold Camford had just cheated him out of.

  The Duke’s face slid into a smirk as he shook his head in negation. “What, and deprive us of Lily’s beauty so soon? I think not. Have another drink, Kel. Enjoy yourself for once. You’ve earned it.”

  “May she have something to drink as well?” Kel asked, already signaling for a servant to bring over another goblet.

  “Lily, would you like something to drink?” Camford asked, his fat fingers stroking each other slowly, caressing his ring encrusted hands.

  “Yes, master. I would,” she replied, each word falling like music from her soft lips. Lily’s voice was as ethereal and lovely as the rest of her, and Kel couldn’t deny he wanted her. She was everything he loved about women. Soft, sweet-smelling, and beautiful enough to make a man forget the bloody trials of war, for a little while at least.

  Camford’s smile lips twisted into a sly grin and he cocked his head to one side. “But you have done nothing to earn food or drink yet, my lovely. Everyone in my court earns their keep in one way or another. Tell me, what will you do to claim yours?”

  Kel felt the tiny tremor that passed through Lily’s frame at the Duke’s words, though it was too slight for anyone else to notice. She had courage, that much was plain. He knew veteran soldiers who could not hide their fear as well as she was.

  “If it pleases my master, I could sing for him, and his guests,” Lily offered.

  The Duke nodded. “Sing for us then, lovely Lily. I shall let my guests judge what your reward should be.”

  “Yes, master.” Lily wriggled out of Kel’s lap, inadvertently connecting with the hard ridge of his cock. No one but her caught the low groan of need that rumbled up from the warrior’s chest as she moved against him so intimately, yet when he gripped her hips and helped her stand there was no hint of desire in the way he touched her. He was masking his interest, just as
she was masking her fear.

  Lily let her wings unfurl and then wrapped them around her body, forming a gossamer gown that gave her a small measure of protection against the lustful stares of the Duke and his men. Part of her yearned to return to the relative safety of the mercenary’s arms, but that would do neither of them any good. Lily already knew that Camford was a man who fed on weakness and fear, so she would show him neither.

  She walked to an unoccupied corner and turned to face her audience, trying to ignore the fact several of them were already enjoying themselves at the expense of some of the Duke’s other slaves. She drew in several slow breaths to help ease the tightness in her throat, and then Lily began to sing. Her first few notes wavered slightly, but as she lost herself in the music, her voice gained strength.

  Soon Lily’s song filled the room and every soul present, from Duke to servant, was listening intently. It happened without her even being aware of it. Her natural instinct to heal and comfort caused her to begin weaving elements of magic into her singing. Soothing notes intended to bring comfort, gentling tones to calm and soften the listener’s mood.

  The magic was not for the Duke or his guests. Lily sang for her fellow captives, offering what little solace she could to those who suffered the same fate as she. The mood in the room grew calmer as Lily’s song weaved its magic around the room. A low, throbbing pain started to build behind Lily’s eyes, but she didn’t stop. The torc was punishing her for using magic without her master's permission, but she would not give into the pain. This was the only rebellion she could manage, and so she continued to sing.

  The pain grew worse with every note, but still she kept on until her vision went gray. Her voice cracked and broke, ending the song. Despite her best efforts to hide her pain, a soft, agonized sob escaped her lips and she hung her head.

  Kel had spent his life reading people, and he felt the emotional shift in the room as clearly as if a breeze had blown in from outside. When he caught himself relaxing deeper into his chair, Kel forced himself to sit up straighter. When that didn’t work he bit the inside of his cheek, using the pain to clear his mind and regain his edge.